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Dawn of 2_22_2019

I arose to lookout the  window at this amazing view which is the sky over the Atlantic Ocean before our Sun had risen over the horizon.

Thus I began my day with this reading from A Course In Miracles…
The Great Peace of the Kingdom shines in your mind forever, but it must shine outward to make you aware of it. ACIM

On this amazing day of 222 I awoke to see Venus Rising in the morning Sky after a night of dreams that I actually remembered upon arising.
Dreams about assisting others with repairs, then looking to buy a new home, car being towed away  and walking miles with others who had no vehicles with a small child.

The number 222 is significant to me as I see it often and have a deep feeling of connection to what I call the Crystalline Collective Consciousness of 22 which assist us in our Human Evolution.

Their greater message of this day is perhaps felt in the first card I pulled…
I am a spring pouring forth from
The ocean of universal potential


I draw from the ocean of oneness.
I am open to the Universe in all its forms.

It empowers me as I journey through this life as it leads me to a new voyage of discovery


Here are links for those who wish to listen…

Link to Video Replay on You Tube

Link to Audio Mp3 Replay on YourListen


Harmony was brought to me by my Angelic Guides through the Healing with the Angels deck from Doreen Virtue and isn’t it interesting how she has changed in the past few years.

Card Meaning: Conflict is resolved in a situation that was troubling you.

Know that you deserve this peace and happiness, and accept it gracefully.

By shifting our viewpoint to the angelic perspective, you become an Earth Angel.

Beloved child of God, you are a peace-lover at heart. This card comes to you as a sign of new harmony that dawns upon you. Let go of viewing the situation as troubled, and see yourself and others through the eyes of your guardian angels. In this way, you will look past the surface and see the beauty and Light that eternally shines within everyone.

Holding an elevated viewpoint sparks miraculous healings in all of your relationships. Conflict drops away, revealing the clean and new truth about everyone and everything.

Yes, like Doreen, We All, will make new choices in how we are to complete our missions here on planet Earth.

The Greatest message of Harmony is to not Judge others or anything that we do not understand in the moment…
Our moments are traveling at higher frequencies of Light which cannot be measured, by any human standards and maybe one day I will talk about that.

So this is what the 222 Gateway is about…
The Alignment of Souls as Beings who are honoring their Truth without fear, through their Hearts.
Each recognizing and honoring the other as both individuals and as a Collective of Light Energy embodied in Human Form.

Multi-Dimensional Service and Responsibilities are now shared across a Spectrum rather than just individually among a few newly Awakened Souls.

Each of us becoming opened vessels in alignment with each other so as to act more powerfully, swiftly and responsibly.

WOW… How does that make you feel???
Let’s tap back in to the Potential card…

I am a spring pouring forth from
The ocean of universal potential


I draw from the ocean of oneness.
I am open to the Universe in all its forms.

It empowers me as I journey through this life as it leads me to a new voyage of discovery

Lastly there was one other card which I drew from

Soul Inspirations Message Cards by Kahliya

Dear God

Help Me

Think Positively

Releasing All

Negative Thoughts and Fears

Allowing The Flow

Of what needs

To Come and Go

Without Grasp

Without Judgment


To My Divine Source

Manifesting the Full Glory

Of Who I Am

To Be

So as each day begins to unfold, let us be humbled and thankful for the Harmony that occurs Naturally even after we begin to observe it all.
Let us feel complete and whole as a part of this field of Potentiality that awaits our inter actions to create Harmony.
Blessings to All
Charlie Riverman